Tuesday 11 November 2014

Tips from a Professional Locksmith on How to Enhance your Home Security in Adelaide

A professional locksmith in Adelaide is the perfect person to help assist you with your home security. With crime always on the rise it’s time to be proactive about your home security. To help you, the professional locksmiths at Marion Locksmith have devised 5 helpful tips that will improve your home security. 
Change the locks

Moving home can be a very exciting time that is also full of stress. From lugging furniture around to unpacking boxes, the jobs are endless. One job that must not fall down the list of priorities is security. As soon as you do move into a new home it’s important to call a locksmith in Adelaide to change your locks. While the real estate agent may have handed you back all the keys to the home, you really never know who has access to a spare key. To ensure your home is fully protected, changing your locks is the only way. This will give you important peace of mind that you are the only one that has access to your home. 

Install an alarm system 

The best way to heighten your home’s security is by installing an alarm system. With an alarm system in your home you will no longer have to worry about break ins. At any sight of danger, an alarm system reacts immediately, contacting authorities instantaneously. They also emit an alarm that warns the homeowner and occupants of the threat of an intruder. Furthermore, the mere presence of an alarm system can put burglars off from even attempting to rob your home. Usually a burglar will assess your home before the attempt to break in. If they notice signs of an alarm system they will most likely pick another home to rob. In the instance when they are unaware of the presence of the alarm system, if they do trigger the alarm, they are most likely to run off with nothing. 

All wiring must be hidden

If you have an alarm system installed in your home, it’s vital all of the wiring is concealed around the exterior of the house. A simple way burglars can break in is by cutting the wiring to your alarm system. This will disable the alarm and make your home an easy target. To ensure your wires are hidden, undertake an inspection of your home and check if any wires are poking out where they shouldn’t be. 

Make your home look occupied

Professional burglars are clever cats. They don’t just work on impulse but instead stake out homes for extended periods of time picking up on people’s movements. They then strike at the most opportune time. If you are out of your home on a regular basis, a great idea is to set up automatic timers. That way your light will pop on or the radio sound, making burglars think that the home is occupied when it’s not. This is a great trick if you are going away on a holiday and will not be home for several weeks. 
Your mailbox is for letters not the spare key

Unfortunately, a lot of us do it. When we need to leave a spare key out we pop it in the letterbox or under the doormat. While we know this is a common hiding place, we kid ourselves thinking that it won’t hurt doing it just once. The reality is burglars are smart. They will search letterboxes and doormats in the off chance that they find a key. The best way to avoid this is to keep your spare key in a secret spot only you and your family are aware of. Try wrapping your spare key up in foil and hiding it somewhere you would never expect. 

If you would like to implement any of these home security tips and need advice from a locksmith in Adelaide, contact Marion Locksmith. You can also find out more about their services by visiting their website at http://marionlocksmiths.com.au/.